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Writer's pictureChristina Kerkhof

Down for the Count

Well, it's been a rough week.

Sunday evening I started not feeling well, and by Monday morning I definitely had a full-blown case of whatever crud is going around. Still not close to 100% a week later.

A trip to ship's medical center confirmed Covid-negative, so that was some good news.

As for wellness otherwise, I can say that I have ACED hydration and sleep! Nutrition has been comfort driven, movement minimal, and stress mounting due to frustration. These are probably no different than what would happen on land. I just usually don't get sick - this is the first time Dirk has seen me this unwell (nine years). Dirk has been awesome with TLC, and so far he has avoided catching the crud. Appearances in guest areas have been masked and minimal - don't want to pass this along to fellow travelers as well.

My view of Antarctica this week has been through the windows and the "window" called "bow camera channel on the tv." Like many places this week, lots of snow flurries. Here is the same view of Cuverville island, from last cruise and this cruise.

Cuverville Island December 23, 2023
Cuverville Island December 23, 2023

Cuverville Island January 18, 2024
Cuverville Island January 18, 2024

Too much to do to be incapacitated for this long. As we are head back up north, I look forward to fairer weather and health. I hope that this finds YOU well!

That's it for now. Bon Voyage & Bon Appétit!

Reposted August 17, 2024

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